Dynamic duo, cousins Tonita and Lasonya are the
proud owners of the online place to go for all things accessories; Fashion Remix Boutique. The pair prides themselves at
being able to redesign past fashion with new trendy pieces to create a brand
new standout look. Their business motto
is, “If all else fails accessorize.”
Accessories really do complete your overall look and has a magical way
of taking your ensemble to another level.
They joke about how you can take a t-shirt and jeans and dress it up or
down simply by adding a statement necklace and a standout clutch.
In 2016, Tonita wrote her first book, “The Power of
Shut-up Grace.” She is currently working
on a few solo projects to include offering her services as a mentor and motivational
speaker. She has several programs,
workshops, and a free confidence guide that will be offered very soon on her
website www.authortonitasmith.com. She also has her 1st annual event
approaching called, “Real Women Talk” a workshop for married and single women
who desire to build and maintain healthy relationships that will lead to
lasting partnerships. The event will be
held on Saturday, February 11, 2017, please save the date and stay connected
for more details to come.
The two have also been working really hard behind the
scenes to increase their boutique’s visibility over the past year through
online marketing, social media platforms, and participating in lots of vendor
events around St. Louis, Mo. They have
an array of new things coming for the year of 2017. You can expect to see Lasonya a lot more on
DIY videos coming very soon where she’ll teach you how to create custom
pieces that will add an element of pop to your outfit. These pieces will also be available for
purchase on the website. You will continue to see new chunky statement pieces
as well as your everyday pieces that are appropriate for any occasion. We have started offering home parties and
online parties that offer great incentives to the hostess and your guests. Please email shop@fashionremix2.com for more
Stay connected for new arrivals and promotions
offered exclusively to online subscribers by subscribing to the email list on
Fashion Remix Boutique’s website.
Happy Holidays from the ladies of Fashion Remix
Boutique; God Bless & Be Safe!
Tonita & LaSonya